


黛博拉·J. 多尔蒂,PT, Ph ..D.




照亮未来韦德体育app官网的道路, 韦德体育app官网 current and former faculty and staff shared their generosity by providing eight new endowments – gifted during the 2022 韦德体育app官网 Fund Drive ending December 2, 2022.“We are most grateful for the love and support our OU family has provided to our students as they embark on their educational journey,Michael Westfall说, 负责大学发展的副校长. “These endowments leave a lasting legacy for generations to come and support our students with the financial gifts necessary to reach their academic goals.”

Those gifting recent endowments include: Michele and Karl Plattenberger; 乐东李; Deborah Doherty; Christine H. Stiller; De Witt S. 小堤坝., and Silverena Kanoyton; 卡尔维. 格雷戈里; 玛格丽特·J. 阿菲尔德和凯文. Ball; and 达米. 汉娜.


This award supports the mission and vision of the university’s chapter of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) – a free membership organization open to all students and faculty. Michele is a special lecturer in Japanese at OU and continues her work in the automotive industry, 将真实的经历带入课堂. 她得了疯牛病, 系统工程, SECS; a BSE, 电气工程, SECS; and a BA, 东亚研究, 全部来自OU. She holds a master of engineering management degree in engineering/industrial management from the 大学 of Detroit Mercy. 作为一名备受推崇的教育家,她是2017年优秀教学奖的获得者. Karl also works in the automotive industry and has been involved in global international efforts for over 20 years and values the importance of diversity. Their vision for this endowment is that it will empower SWE members to achieve their full potential in careers as engineers and demonstrate the value of diversity and inclusion in a world with gender parity and equality in engineering and technology. 这对夫妇之前通过OUFD资助了一项日本留学奖学金.


李乐东,博士.D., 阅读与语言艺术系退休副教授, bestowed this gift in celebration and support of the 36-year long (1986-2020) international educational partnership between Guizhou, 中国与开放大学教育与人文服务学院(SEHS). The endowment will make one or more annual awards to benefit undergraduate and graduate students in education, who are studying abroad in Asia or conducting international and cross-cultural research projects and/or academic activities that enhance global understanding and education cooperation.

李是开放大学教育与人文服务学院中国项目的协调员, during which time he supervised numerous international projects and programs for teacher training in the areas of English as a second language. 他还指导了该大学的联合文学硕士学位的教学, 阅读与语言艺术, K-12学校师生国际文化交流. Li also served as an OU admissions ambassador and president of OU’s Chinese Friendship Association.


一位敬业的教育家,黛博拉·J. 多尔蒂,PT, Ph ..D.在2022年退休之前,他在DPT项目中教授了12年的物理治疗学生. 通过这个禀赋, she leaves a lasting legacy for future DPT students – assisting them with much needed scholarship support. Doherty’s passion and research focused on oncology prehabilitation with an emphasis on survivorship programs and rehabilitation. She has a special interest in supporting students majoring in physical therapy with a focus on oncology rehabilitation.


健康科学学院退休的物理治疗教员Christine H. 斯蒂勒,PT, Ph.D.她是儿科健康顾问公司的老板. She was honored as the 2022 recipient of the Hall Award in recognition of her exceptional 39-year career as a physical therapy faculty member. Stiller established this scholarship to support future DPT students who demonstrate an interest in pediatric physical therapy. 她的奖学金将帮助有资格的学生, passionate about assisting children and improving their functional abilities in all settings.

小德威特·戴克斯. 以及Silverenia Kanoyton捐赠奖学金

教育家德威特. 小堤坝. 爱德华的西尔弗莱尼亚·卡诺顿.D.两人的职业生涯中都有相当一部分是在高等教育中度过的. 戴克斯教授非裔美国人历史, 美国历史上, 非裔美国妇女的历史, 民权运动的历史, 非裔美国人城市化, history of American families and history of American cities at 韦德体育app官网 for more than a half century. 2019年,他被《韦德体育app官网》授予“杰出人物”奖. Kanoyton spent many years at Wayne State 大学 teaching the history and philosophy of education and administering student support programs. 2017年,她获得了《韦德体育app官网》颁发的“杰出女性”奖. 尊重历史对形成观点的重要性, 态度和文化规范, the donors established this scholarship to support students studying history or social sciences.

玛格丽特·J. 阿菲尔德和凯文. 鲍尔物理治疗奖学金

Passionate about helping students successfully prepare for their careers in health, 玛格丽特·J. Afheldt和她的丈夫Kevin A. 球,Ph值.D.该奖学金是由美国国立开放大学物理治疗博士项目的学生设立的. Afheldt, 科瑞威尔健康博蒙特特洛伊医院的理疗师, knows first-hand the importance physical therapy plays in health and recovery and sees the OU program as an essential training ground for future physical therapy professionals. 她的丈夫凯文, 谁作为一名教师在物理治疗领域教了11年, 是公开大学健康科学学院的院长吗. 通过这项奖学金, 这对夫妇将协助理疗专业的学生, offsetting their tuition expenses as they prepare to help future patients enjoy an enhanced quality of life.

Dr. 卡尔维. 格里高利奖学金

有成就的教授, 领先的经济顾问和种族平等的终身活动家, 公民权利和人权, 卡尔维. 格里高利,Ph值.D.为了帮助学生在学业上取得成功,我们设立了这项捐赠奖学金. 退休后成为开放大学商学院的杰出经济学教授, 他从1968年到1996年在哪里工作, 格里高利也是W.D. 瓦尔纳是密歇根州立大学奥克兰分校的创始首席执行官,现在被命名为韦德体育app官网. 他的专业陈述和在当地观众面前的露面, nationally and internationally were frequently focused upon in public media which helped to strengthen the community service mission of the university. And his passion for helping students achieve success was instrumental in the development of diversity and equality opportunity initiatives at OU. 他的奖学金将为需要经济支持的学生打开机会之门, 对第一代大学生给予特别照顾.

达米. 汉娜的研究 & 开发奖

A professor of electrical and computer engineering and bioengineering at 韦德体育app官网 and founder and chief architect of NextStep Solutions, 达米. 汉娜,Ph值.D., created this endowment to provide students funding toward their scholarly research-related activities.

一个有爱心的教育者和公开课的倡导者, 汉纳花了很多时间,并以多种方式分享了他的专业知识. He has served the university as a volunteer admissions ambassador and strengthened the university with his service as an advisor to several student groups and the Theta Chi fraternity. Dr. Hanna also serves as Director of the Engineering Institute which has engaged OU faculty with hundreds of working professionals in advanced lifelong learning. 他是1999年威尔逊奖的获得者, 杰出成就奖, 和布拉格高等数学成就奖.
